"Girls' Night Out"
Last night we met two friends for dinner and Mom commented how nice it is to have friends like she had at home. She is a social butterfly, which I find unusual since she's so quiet and somewhat shy.
Diane is her hairdresser and always makes Mom laugh! Jennifer is more difficult to introduce to you. She was my student assistant, but she has a law degree and a library degree, plus worked for several years, so she isn't a typical 20 yr old college student. Jennifer is wonderful at keeping Mom in the conversation and watching over her like a young mother hen.
We went to Mom's favorite restaurant, where the owner/chef considers herself part of Mom's family. She serves Mom extra food, so she has leftovers for lunch; plus, cake or pie to enjoy after she gets home.
Mom had a nice evening...tonight is hair night so she'll get to see Diane again.
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