Friday, September 29, 2006

"No Top...No Doors" sigh....


We've had a good week. Last Saturday I had both Wyatt and Mom for about 12 hours...Sunday I napped, and napped some more.

My friend, Loretta, is doing very well after surgery!!! Dave's sister, Linda, is being released today from physical rehab, so please keep her in your prayers!

We took Mom to Red Robin for dinner this week, and as usual she ate like a small a root beer float!

Since I give her such a rough time for saying something has been stolen, she switched to the word "missing" as in..."someone took my sweaters and didn't bring them back, so they are missing." Needless to say I found her sweaters in the closet and asked if the next time she can't find something, is she going to be nice...she replied, "probably not.'" Well, she's honest!

We had a nice chat last night and she confessed she's grumpy and depressed because she hates being old. She misses the life she had...she has an underlying anger, which is starting to peep out of her gentle nature. She's still one of the sweetest people on earth, but with an edge.

Last night started out lovely. Mom and I got a chicken dinner and ate outside, then got her hair done. When we left Diane's shop it was raining. With Diane's help I got her to the car safe and dry. So you know what happens next...the car won't start. I called Dave and he said he was on his way. Diane offered to take Mom home, so I sat, waiting on Dave. He said it was the battery and was trying to think where he could buy one that late at night. I told him to forget it, we'd get it fixed tomorrow. He said he had to fix it because I didn't have a way home. I (innocently) replied, I can go ride with you. Over the thunder, I heard the top or doors.

Well, that was a trip. His Jeep had neither doors nor a top. You see, they said we might have a "shower" over night, so he wasn't expecting to go out at 9:00 at night, much less in a horrid thunderstorm. I don't remember the last time I was that wet....with my clothes on! And I don't remember ever driving and watching lightening flash over my head. I have a bad memory, but I believe I would have remember that.

Everyone arrived home safe and sound and Dave fixed the car this morning. I ran in to thank Diane, and we started talking about projects, and I told her the story of my friend who keeps a project going so she won't be depressed...her last project was to build a "temple" from a story and a half two car garage kit. It's beautiful, with French doors, stained glass windows. My friend is's the Temple of Art and Oneness...but that's another story...I'm blessed with a wonderful life and fun memories, loving (unique) friends...and even a few normal ones. ;)

Mom is well, tired of being old, looking forward to getting her nails done tomorrow morning...our world is going well.

Love and blessings!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Sheri's Baby Boy

Mom is our top priority, so I stay stressed about her and forget to give you all good news.

We are all well, and excited about Sheri, Steve's youngest daughter. Sheri has wanted a baby forever; over the years she has taken every test, had surgery, and spent thousands of dollars. Well, Max is due on October 31!!! :)

She wants to have Thanksgiving at her house this year and it will be a real celebration! Plus, she's one of the best cooks I've ever met. I can't wait to play with the baby. I bought him a newborn outfit to wear home, but he already weights about 6 pounds. If he gets to wear it home, it'll be the last time it fits him!

This weekend is going to be busy...aren't they all. Wyatt and Mom are coming tomorrow. I need to do some shopping, cleaning, and much needed paperwork. I'm also excited about helping a friend of mine decorate her new shop. Our world is doing well!

You all take care and have a great weekend!


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Mom's Iffy Memory

Lately, I’ve been upset because Mom’s memory has taken a downward turn and it’s difficult to both watch and deal with on a daily basis. But, it occurred to me this morning; her memory upsets me more than it does her. She gets depressed about things she remembers, not what she’s forgotten.

One other observation I want to share. Assume Mom will never call you, and if you hear from her, consider it a blessing. And assume when you call her, the call is probably forgotten as soon as you hang up the phone...same for the answering machine. She may remember, she may remember part of it, she may not remember at all.

Mom remembers all of you, but her brain rarely retains new information. If it's an idea or subject she's thought of, she's fine, and sometimes I wish she would forget things. She just doesn't retain what people say to her, but she enjoys hearing from everyone. I just don’t want you to be disappointed if she doesn’t have much to say.



Sunday, September 17, 2006

She keeps me on my toes!!!

What a week!!!

While I was in Maine, mom was upset because she ran out of Wet Ones. I bought five containers before I left and told her they had to be in her room someplace. I couldn't solve the mystery until last Saturday. She removed one container from the drawer and returned it to a different drawer. Mystery solved.

Monday - Wednesday went well. I was still sick from my sinus infection, and working, training three new student assistants...all freshmen, but Mom was calm and happy.

Then Thursday it all hit the fan. She got it in her mind, Judy was in town without seeing her. I told her that would never happen. After work, I took her for her hair appointment, and she was very upset. She hadn't heard from Judy and she couldn't find her pearl necklace. After hair and dinner, I spent forever on my head (with a sinus headache) checking each drawer, each bag, each purse, so on, and so necklace.

Friday--they found the necklace stuffed in the toilet paper roll. Friday night, she's still upset and won't believe me when I tell her Judy isn't in town. We go to dinner and she's quiet, but eats all her dinner.

Saturday I called to see if she wants to go shopping and to lunch. She says yes, but won't get out of the car. She said she didn't feel well, had nightmares, and was tired. I invited Wyatt to lunch, thinking that would cheer her didn't. She only ate a few bites and said maybe two sentences. She said she needed to get back and write to Judy. I ask if she wanted to call Judy, so she'll know she isn't in NC. She said no, she'd write when she got home. Sigh...

Sunday...thank goodness she was in a good mood. She loved Sunday School; Wyatt was with us when we picked her up and all was well with the world...or so I thought. She needs a new basket for her she said. Then admitted what she really wants a fancy walker. I explained why she could no longer use a walker with handbrakes...she walks behind the walker instead of inside, meaning she would fall on her face if her brain stalls when she needs to use the brake. With the walker she has, even is she falls forward the breaks will work. She said (softly) okay.

She ate an amazing dinner. BBQ chicken, green beans, peaches, blueberries, grapes, and potato salad...every bite, plus a piece of cheesecake! The kids were here for dinner, and I thought she was going to be okay about the walker...

I went ahead of her into her room to put her groceries away. She walked in and said she was practicing walking in. I asked walking in what and she said...her walker. I sighed. She forgets everything except when she gets something like that in her mind. This isn't going to be pretty, but it did get her mind off of Judy's imaginary trip to Durham. We tried everything known to mankind to get her to walk inside the walker...the therapist finally gave up...she can practice all she wants, but I know the moment she gets her fancy walker, she'll fall flat on her face. So it looks like she's going to be cranky for awhile.

In between trying cheer up Mom, Dave and I (mostly Dave) put new flooring in our second bedroom. Less than two days ago, we had all the furniture in the living room, and nothing in this room but a concrete floor. Tonight, I'm in our beautiful room and even have (fake) flowers beside the computer.

Like I said...what a week!!!

The highlight of the week: Wyatt spent the day with us. When he got out of the car, he came to us saying, "I'm so excited!"

Love and blessings!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Vacation update

Just when you decide life is just a little too stressful...your life gets shaken like one of those balls filled with fake snow.

Everyone told us we needed a vacation, so off we went to the great state of Maine. This vacation will always be known as ... the vacation from hell! But it worked. I was so thankful when it ended, I was immediately relaxed....well, almost. Exhausted is probably the better term.

Since most of our trip would be stressful, Dave and I decided to treat ourselves to a nice bed and breakfast. It looked so nice...don't believe everything you see. Bob Newhart didn't own this New England inn.

The adventure would have made a nice episode for an English comedy. The gas logs didn't work, the thermostat didn't work, the "lathering gel" wouldn't come out of the bottle. The down filled pillows and comforter were sooooooo nice, but the mattress was as soft as plywood....we won't discuss the toilet paper! What was the name of the English comedy about the man and his wife who owned a hotel? Hmmm..... I'll think of it later.

Deciding we had enough stress we quickly moved to a hotel. It was WONDERFUL, having everything the B&B heat and toilet paper, a Dunken Donut down the steet, and it was cheaper!!!!

My sister-in-law is a walking miracle...God isn't finished with her yet. She's happy to be alive and making remarkable progress.

My mother-in-law can only say "yes" and "no" but she understands everything you say and has a wicked sense of humor. I told her if I was in her condition the first word I'd be saying would be short and four letters. She nodded and laughed when I told her the nuns probably wouldn't want me giving speech therapy. We communicated well enough to agree old age stinks, it's better to get sick shopping than being at home, Dave's older brother is not the man of our dreams, and if you wear rings it's difficult to keep soap from making them dull.

We saw her another day that wasn't as nice. I stroked her hair and we both cried.

Between running from hospital to hospital, I got sick and spent a morning in the emergency room with a viral and sinus infection. That slowed our hospital visits, so sick as a horse, we decided to drive along the coast. Gosh, it's beautiful...God was in a good mood when he made Maine.

If I had one silly dream, it would be to spend summers in Maine. A little cottage on the coast...oh well...enough of that.

Mom did very well without us. I tried to call on a regular basis and tell her when to change the channel. If any of you talk to her at 8:00 in the evening...tell her to turn the TV to channel 54, so she can watch Little House on the Prairie.

We arrived back around 11:00 last night. I slept in and didn't get up until 9:00, which gave me plenty of time to get Mom for her 1:00 hair appointment. We had lunch with a friend, got her hair done and then I took Mom home, and slept for hours. I'm still fighting my cold and I'm very tired.

Bottom line: Mom is fine, life often stinks, miracles happen, cats are smarter than people, don't buy pure maple syrup unless it says "dark amber" and the best time to shop at L. L. Bean is around 7:00 in the morning.
